Tuesday, November 27, 2018

EDU in 90

Google for Education has created a video series called EDU in 90.  Each episode is under 4 minutes in length and focuses on product updates, new programs, and helpful resources for the classroom.   New episodes are released three times a month and are important topics for educators, administrators, and school leaders.

The videos are available on the Google for Education YouTube Channel (https://goo.gl/HzLhdx).

Subscribe to the Google for Education YouTube channel so don't miss an episode!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Teacher's View of Assistive Technology

The Center on Technology and Disability 

In this video, teachers of students with a variety of learning needs and challenges discuss ways in which assistive technology can help. The teachers in the video provide examples of low-tech and high-tech tools that can be easily integrated into a classroom environment.

A Teacher's View of Assistive Technology 

Included in the the above link is an  option to watch the video in Spanish.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Assistive Technology and the IEP - Tips for General Education Teachers

Last week I posted a short video from The Center on Technology and Disability (https://www.ctdinstitute.org) and Chris Bugaj (https://attipscast.com/) defining Assistive Technology Devices, Assistive Technology Services and Assistive Technology Consideration. This week I have another resource to share from the CTD.

Assistive Technology and the IEP - Tips for General Education Teachers (https://www.ctdinstitute.org/library/2017-11-13/assistive-technology-and-iep-tips-general-ed-teachers) is a one page infographic with steps a general education teacher should take to help with the IEP process.  This infographic is a good reminder for special education teachers and staff as well.

Please print the infographic, linked above, as a reminder for yourself or to share with other staff in your building or district.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Introduction to Assistive Technology with Chris Bugaj

The Center on Technology and Disability (https://www.ctdinstitute.org) is a great Assistive Technology resource.  Chris Bugaj is an Assistive Technology Expert, author, as well as host and producer of the ATTipsCast (https://attipscast.com/). Together the CTD and Chris Bugaj have crated a short, 5 minute video overview defining Assistive Technology Devices, Assistive Technology Services and Assistive Technology Consideration.

To watch this video, please click the link below to be redirected to the CTD website.

Introduction to Assistive Technology with Chris Bugaj