Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Virtual Morning Meeting Activities for Distance Learning

Although most teachers have already set up a classroom routine, it is nice to hear new ideas. It is also beneficial to go over and review your virtual class protocols. This short video may help with any or all of these needs.

Maddie at EdTech Classroom created a short video on how to do a Virtual Morning Meeting Activities for Distance Learning (https://youtu.be/bk2h-3xuNDg).  

Thinking outside the box... 
How can you use these ideas in other areas of your virtual day?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Must-Have Google Slides Add-Ons for Teachers

This weeks video comes from Sam Kary, New EdTech Classroom.

In his video, Must-Have Google Slides Add-Ons for Teachers (https://youtu.be/jvpU2qPAt-k), Sam talks about 9 helpful Google Slides Add-Ons.  

1. Unsplash
2. Extensis Fonts
3. Flaticon
4. Slides Translator
5. Easy Accents
6. Hypatia
7. Pear Deck
8. Slido
9. Nearpod

If you have never looked through or installed an add-on it is simple.  I have created a very quick tutorial to show you how.  

Google: Install an Add-On (https://bit.ly/38on9XO)