Many schools are not a 1:1 device environment. Most schools do not have a whole classroom set of iPads, laptops or desktops even. This makes it difficult to do quick, whole class, electronic assessments.
Plickers is a set of cards that can be used to provide real-time formative assessment data within your limited tech environment. Plickers can be used for quizzes, entrance/exit tickets or to quickly check for understanding during a lesson. They can be used in any classroom setting including math, art or physical education. Plickers provides a chance for all students to engage in learning without feeling self-conscious.
Plickers is easy to setup and use. Teachers need a computer, projector, tablet or smartphone and a wifi signal. Students need a paper Plickers card.
Each Plicker card is a unique visual code. The code has 4 sides, each lettered A, B, C, and D. The student holds the card so that the letter they choose to answer is at the top of their card. Teachers gather the answers instantly, using the Plickers app on a wireless device. Scan the room. You have just collected the answer to a question and can tell exactly which student got it correct and which student needs additional help in this area.
With a little bit of set up and planning you have a quick interactive way to check for knowledge and receive real time information from your class.
I found a great YouTube tutorial for setting up and using Plickers. It contains step by step information and great tips and suggestions, all in under 9 minutes.
To get the app follow the links for the App Store or Google Play here.
For additional information, check out the FAQ’s page or the Help page on the Plickers site.