Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Keyboarding a.k.a. Touch-Typing

I have recently been involved in some conversations about Keyboarding vs. Speech-to-text. Speech-to-text is an alternative to keyboarding, but is not as robust of an option, according some experts. Keyboarding or touch-typing on the other hand, is a life long skill that must be developed through time and practice. Below are some different keyboarding options to try with your students.

Typing Club is a Google App and a website (typingclub.com) with free keyboarding instruction for those who need to brush up!

Kidz Type (http://www.kidztype.com/) is a version of Dance Mat Typing.

TypingGames.Zone (https://www.typinggames.zone/) is a fun way for students to build fluency and speed.
- Have the "older kids" "test" the different games for lower grades. This makes typing practice more "authentic" (they are testing for it the younger kids).

Keybr.com (http://Keybr.com) allows you to create a user so you can track progress and continue lessons from where you left off.

Dance Mat Typing (http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3c6tfr) has four levels to play, each divided into three stages.

If you would like to look at more keyboarding options please visit the High Incidence Accessible Technology website (http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/hiat-tech/) and search for Comparison of Online Keyboarding Websites.

For more information on Speech-to-Text you can see my previous Blog Post titled "Speech-to-Text a.k.a. Dictation"

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


I have written about word clouds and word cloud generators in a previous Blog post.  As a reminder:

A Word Cloud is a graphical representation of word frequency.

A Word Cloud Generator is a tool that can be used to create visualizations from blocks of text. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more often in the text. 

I have learned about a new word cloud generator that I want to share:


WordArt.com is an online word art creator that enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease.  It is Easy, Fun and Customizable.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Word Central

Merriam-Webster has a fun word site called:

Word Central has amazing word games and challenges for spellers of all ages.  It has a standard dictionary, a thesaurus and will even create a rhyming words list.  

Word Central has some wonderful educational features as well as a "For Educators" section.

Check out wordcentral.com today! 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Bookshare: New apps for Reading

Bookshare is now available on new FREE apps for both iOS and Android devices.

For iOS you can now use: 
Dolphin EasyReader
By Dolphin Computer Access Ltd

For Android you can now use:
by Benetech

Both apps allow for a variety of voice options, text color, background color and highlighting color options.  They both also offer users the option to change the reading speed.

Check out more information about these apps and others that are supported by Bookshare at:

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Meaning Behind the Name, a reminder

AT / UDL Tips & Tricks for Everyone...
What does AT stand for?
What is the meaning behind UDL?

Truthfully AT and UDL go hand-in-hand.

AT - Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology consists of DEVICES and SERVICES that help children 
with disabilities carry out a functional activity in their environment.
UDL - Universal Design for Learning
U.D.L. Technology consists of DEVICES and SERVICES that help children
carry out a functional activity in their environment.