Typing Club is a Google App and a website (typingclub.com) with free keyboarding instruction for those who need to brush up!
Kidz Type (http://www.kidztype.com/) is a version of Dance Mat Typing.
TypingGames.Zone (https://www.typinggames.zone/) is a fun way for students to build fluency and speed.
- Have the "older kids" "test" the different games for lower grades. This makes typing practice more "authentic" (they are testing for it the younger kids).
Keybr.com (http://Keybr.com) allows you to create a user so you can track progress and continue lessons from where you left off.
Dance Mat Typing (http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3c6tfr) has four levels to play, each divided into three stages.
If you would like to look at more keyboarding options please visit the High Incidence Accessible Technology website (http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/hiat-tech/) and search for Comparison of Online Keyboarding Websites.
For more information on Speech-to-Text you can see my previous Blog Post titled "Speech-to-Text a.k.a. Dictation"